Case Study: Transforming Health and Enhancing Well-being

Health and Well-being
Beneficiary: Mrs. Lydia Oyagiri
Location: Ogbele Community

Improved healthcare facilities and services

Enhanced access to healthcare

Increased health awareness
and disease prevention
Read from Mrs. Lydia Oyagiri
Maternal Health Care was non-existence in my community as our community health facility was not functional and had no equipment to take care of our needs. Consequently, we had to travel 28 kilometres from our community to Ahoada, to access the maternity facility there for ante-natal or post-natal care. This lack of a maternal facility nearby led to multiple deaths. However, in 2013, Aradel through its Sustainable Community Initiative rehabilitated and equipped the health facility in my community making it possible for women to have a safe delivery of their children. We no longer had to go all the way to Ahoada, except for other more serious health challenges.
Aradel is currently partnering with the Ahoada East Local Government to rehabilitate and upgrade the Community Health Centre to a Primary Health Centre. This includes complete renovation, furnishing, provision of full-time doctors and nurses, medical equipment and medication. Once commissioned, the Health Centre will no longer care just for women, but will now cater to the medical needs of the entire community.
In 2015, the medical health scheme was initiated for elders in all Aradel Host Communities. Elders who were (60 years and older were given a grant to augment their diet and purchase medications towards ensuring better health for the elders. Many elders in the community, including myself, are beneficiaries of the medical grant.