
At Aradel, we maintain a strong culture of eco-friendly development for a safe working environment and diligently manage our impact on the environment and communities. We recognise the critical environmental and social challenges and are committed and actively working to reducing carbon emissions as part of the energy transition.

ESG Approach and Strategy

We are committed to being part of the solution to challenges, ensuring our actions today contribute to a conscientious, environmentally-friendly and brighter future for all.

Economic Viability

At Aradel, we are dedicated to forging a path of sustainable economic prosperity and making a lasting impact in the oil, gas and renewable energy sectors. We firmly believe in our capacity to achieve sustainable profitability and create long-term value. Aradel engages responsible contractors and suppliers, adhering to ethical standards and compliance rules. We support local businesses, sourcing from quality local contractors and suppliers to boost local capacity. Aradel gives precedence to responsible asset operation to drive stakeholder value creation and long-term resilience.

Social Impact

For Aradel, social impact entails making positive and meaningful contributions to our communities and society at large through various activities and initiatives. Aradel values its employees and fosters a responsible, creative, and safe working environment with training for skill development. Our Health, Safety, and Environment policy lays the foundation for a safe and secure work environment. We continuously reduce our Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF) and adopt international best practices through our HSE team.

Shared Prosperity

At Aradel, sustainability for us encompasses fostering shared prosperity in the communities where we operate as well as across our various stakeholders by creating long-term value through supporting economic growth, social investments, and community development initiatives. We have positively transformed the lives of individuals, fostered inclusive development, and are working towards creating an environmentally responsible future through our efforts in fostering greater energy access, community engagement, economic contributions, and impactful projects.

Energy Access

Access to reliable and affordable energy is crucial for driving economic development and improving the quality of life in communities. Aradel acknowledges the importance of energy access and works towards providing sustainable energy solutions to underserved areas.


As a Company founded by Nigerians, we are deeply committed to giving back to our host communities and ensuring the well-being of both the people and the environment. We develop and maintain strong community relations, helping to maintain peace and stability.

Impactful Project-revenue Initiatives

Aradel is committed to implementing impactful projects that drive positive change. We identify and invest in projects that align with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute to shared prosperity.

Economic Contribution

Aradel understands that sustainable economic development is essential for shared prosperity. Aradel’s operations have far-reaching implications for the nation's economic landscape. By reducing flaring and maximising the economic value of energy resources, Aradel creates employment opportunities directly and indirectly.

Environmental Stewardship

At Aradel, environmental stewardship is deeply embedded in our culture and operations, reflecting our commitment to safety and a sustainable future. We go beyond regulatory requirements, actively monitoring our performance and seeking continuous improvement. Our highly skilled HSE team ....

Stakeholder Engagement

We actively engage with our stakeholders, including local communities, regulatory bodies, and industry peers, to foster transparent communication and collaboration. By understanding and addressing the concerns and expectations of our stakeholders, we strive to build strong relationships and contribute positively to the regions where we operate.

Sustainability Case Studies

This page houses links to Aradel’s corporate social responsibility case studies.

Sustainability Reports

This page houses links to Aradel’s sustainability reports